TAFE-Delivered Vocational Education and Training

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

2025 EVET SBAT Presentation Slides

Our 2025 Subject Selections Slideshow includes:

Applications, enrolments and supervision for external courses other than Languages are managed by our Careers & Pathways Adviser,  Mrs C McGillicuddy.

A TAFE-Delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course, enabes a head start on a career while students are still at school.

TVET courses help build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. Some courses contribute to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Benefits of TVET
INTEREST - Study something you're interested in.
EXPERIENCE - Learn from industry experienced teachers.
INSIGHT - Gain insight into industry areas to help you with your career decisions.
SKILLS - Develop employer recognised skills and experience.
INDEPENDENCE - Develop independence and confidence in an adult learning environment.
PATHWAYS - Potentially gain credit from your course towards further study.

School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SABTs) combine paid work, training and school. They are available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students and you can work towards a nationally recognised qualification as part of your HSC and in some cases they could count towards your ATAR.

What's in it for students?

Further information on selecting EVET courses and SBATs is available from the

Careers & Pathways Adviser: Mrs Claire McGillicuddy